Islam - The Modern Religion
- A comprehensive overview of Islam, many articles to introduce different aspects of the religion.
The Key to Understanding Islam - Online version of a booklet which introduces Muslim faith, practice, and culture. -
New Muslims Network (Wales) - Information and resources for converts to Islam in Wales (UK); includes listings of mosques, halal outlets, bookshops, and links. -
Islamic Research Foundation - Non-profit public charitable trust based in Mumbai, India; promotes Da’wah using modern technology for its activities. Includes FAQ, and information about their training activities. -
The Islamic Information Center of America - The Islamic Information Center's mission is to educate the Non-Muslims about Islam and convert them. -
Discover Islam - Searching for information on Islam? Order the free Discover Islam Web Book CD. -
Turn To Islam - Media and articles showing the true teachings of Islam. Especially good on role of women in Islam. Has interviews and information on Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens). -
Islam Answering - A fundamental site, with basic information for beginners, but it also has excellent explanations of Arabic words and terms. Very good sections on Allah and Etymology. -
The True Call - Islam - A guide for those seeking the truth. Has a section on Jesus and Christianity as well. Information on the resurrection of Jesus. -
An Introduction to Islam - The Middle East Institute has put this fine book on-line. An in-depth introduction to Islam -
Invitation 2 Islam - This site is for Muslims, new Muslims, and non-Muslims to learn about the Religion of Islam. -
Future Islam - An online journal devoted to current issues such as the status and role of women, human rights and violence. The views espoused derive their ligitimacy from the divine revelation. -
Islam: The Religion of Proofs - Islam is the religion of all prophets, the religion of pure monotheism, and religion that is in accordance with man's innate nature. It is a religion based upon proof and not conjecture. Learn about the truth of Islam, the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad( -
Converting to Islam - There is no God except Allah; Muhammad is Allah's Messenger. Thousands of people around the globe are converting to Islam. The religion of peace can change your life. -
Islam: Way of the Prophet - Learn about Islam, the Qur'an, Sunnah and Hadith. Here you can find recitation of the Qur'an, articles, images and photographs from the Islamic world and calligraphy. -
Investigating Islam - A good source for introductory information on Islam. -
DawaNet - A collection of articles to help Muslims engaged in Daw'ah; includes a forum and links. -
Islamic Invitation Centre - Collection of articles and audio talks by a wide range of speakers (listed by topic and by speaker). Also includes a FAQ. - - A brief introduction to Islam, with sound files of the Shahadah, and some verses of the Quran. -
Muslim World - Thoughts on the purpose of life and the nature of true religion, with information on converting to Islam for women, Christians, Jews, and others. Available in multiple languages. -
Guide to Islam - A site with extensive information on Islam for non-Muslims, Muslims considering Islam as a way of life, and Muslims. -
Islam: Some Articles - A number of articles with the new Muslim or non-Muslim considering Islam in mind. -
How to become Muslim - Information with the non-Muslim who is seriously considering Islam in mind. Many links and videos. -
Islam for Today - Aimed at new Muslims and potential converts. Covers basic Islamic beliefs and practices, conversion stories, women and Islam, family life and Muslim schools, Islamic history and civilization. -
The Message of Islam - A very brief statement of some central beliefs and aspects of Islam. -
The Islamic Page - Covers basic introductory material to Islam including instructions on how to pray, understanding Islam and the Muslims, Qur'an software and articles, and information about the Prophet Muhammad. -
MeccaCentric Da'wah Group - Offers a variety of audio-visual material for sale from speakers such as Hamza Yusuf, Abdal Hakim Murad, Muzammil Siddiqi and John Esposito. -
Why Islam - A site with introductory information about Islam, including some free brochures, offer of a free Qur'an. Section on Jesus as a prophet of Islam. Affiliated with ICNA. -
Understanding Islamic Religion - This site provides information to help non- and new- Muslims understand the essentials of religion, god, belief, destiny, resurrection, meaning of life in general and islamic faith in particular. -
Introducing Islam - Islam refuses to accept any form of creation whatsoever as a deity worthy of worship. Nothing is worthy of worship except the One True God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is contained in it. -