- A collection of audio-visual resources on Islam (in Arabic and English). Also offer downloads of software tools.
- http://www.jannah.com/
Islamibayanaat.com - A collection of articles, online books, speeches, and commentary on the Qur'an. - http://www.islamibayanaat.com/
Quraan.com - A collection of Islamic literature, including the Qur'an, Hadith, Tafseer (commentary), and related articles. - http://www.quraan.com/
Allexperts - Islam - A living FAQ page about Islam. Volunteer muslims answer your questions about the islamic faith. - http://www.allexperts.com/browse.cgi?catLvl=3&catID=947
Islamic Books - A collection of e-books on different aspects of Muslim belief and practice, categorised by level of interest, and including both Shi'a and Sunni material. - http://islamicbooks.info/
Islam Authentically - A collection of fatwas in answer to common questions by a group of Imams in Russia. - http://umma.ws/
Islam Unveiled - A collection of articles and e-books on various topics of Muslim practice and belief. - http://www.islamunveiled.org/eng/
The Ultimate Truth - A collection of articles covering knowledge of Islamic belief and practice. - http://www.ultimate-truth.8m.com/
The True Religion - Introduces Islam, its faith and practices. Includes articles, audio materials, converts' stories, and a discussion forum. - http://www.thetruereligion.org/
A New Muslim's Guide to Islam - Practical hints and basic knowledge for new Muslim converts and non-Muslims on subjects such as prayer, eating, fasting, appearance, customs and etiquette. - http://www.bahagia.btinternet.co.uk
Everything About the Islam - A collection of articles about Muslim belief and practice. - http://www.ancient-history.nl/Islam/Islam.html
Islam.tc - A portal for Muslims, offering news, articles and audio library, listings of mosques and other resources, free matrimonials, and classified advertisements. - http://www.islam.tc/
Alternative Way - Publishes a number of books on Islamic belief and revival; available to download, or for purchase. - http://www.altway.freeuk.com/
Khutbahbank - A collection of khutbahs [sermons] for Friday prayers and for personal development, from N American, South African and UK sources. Includes text and audio resources. - http://www.khutbahbank.com/
Islam Way - A collection of articles and audio lectures on Muslim belief and practice, with Quran recitations. [Arabic and English] - http://islamway.com/
The Muslim Youth - A collection of articles on belief and practice; includes a section on fiqh (advice on religious law). - http://www.themuslimyouth.com/
Wisdom Enrichment Foundation (WEFOUND) - A collection of articles on Islam emphasizing a return to authentic sources; also includes advice on public speaking, and details of their on-line learning services. - http://www.wefound.org/
Islamic Awareness - Offers a collection of articles and resources, mainly aimed at correcting the misconceptions of Christian missionaries and Orientalists. - http://www.islamic-awareness.org/
Mission Islam - A collection of articles and audio resources exploring Muslim belief and practice. - http://www.missionislam.com
Mufti Says - Provides a service for Muslims to ask advice of experts in belief and practice. - http://www.muftisays.com/
Islamtoday.net - A substantial collection of articles and resources on Muslim belief and practice. Includes an archive of fatwas, and reflections on the Hadith. In Arabic and English - http://www.islamtoday.net/
Iqbal, Mohammed Omer - Contains articles about different issues related to Muslim belief and practice. - http://www.omeriqbal.com/
Victory Scent - An Islamic resource aimed at providing accurate information to Muslims about various topics including Allah, Muhammad, the Quran, polemics, history, the status of women and fiqh. - http://www.victoryscent.co.uk/
MuslimConverts.com - A collection of articles and audio resources specifically written for converts to Islam. Covers Muslim belief, practice, law, economics, and social aspects. - http://muslimconverts.com/
Islam Muslims - Contains a large collection of answers to questions, with an onlne Quran and Hadith. - http://www.islammuslims.com/
Yanabi.com - Offers articles and e-books presenting Islam from a Brailvi perspective. Also includes audio resources, a forum, and prayer time calculator. - http://www.yanabi.com/
Salaamway - A portal offering a discussion board, articles, wallpapers and downloads. [German and English] - http://www.salaamway.de/
Ta'leem-ul-Islam - A translation of books (in Urdu) by Allaama Mufti Muhammad Kifaayatullah to introduce the beliefs and practices of Islam at the level of a beginner. - http://ccminc.faithweb.com/taleem/
Islamic Perspectives - A collection of articles on Islam, history, and current political and economic issues by Dr Ahmad Shafaat. - http://www.islamicperspectives.com/
Islam Land - A collection of downloadable articles, leaflets and books on Islam. - http://www.islamland.org/
The Islam FAQ - Provides answers to frequently asked questions about Islam and its views on contemporary issues. Also includes information on Muslims in America. - http://www.islamfaq.org/
Hanafi.co.uk - A hanafi orientated site promoting the beliefs of Sunni Islam. Includes online books, articles, biographies and audio materials. - http://www.islamic.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
El-Hatef El-Islami (Islamic Phone) - Offers a phone-based service for questions answered and fatwas from Al-Azhar scholars. Includes profiles, samples and instructions. - http://www.elhatef.com/
Islamic Academy - A wide range of resources to enable Muslims to learn more about their faith; includes articles, audio files, fatwas, also a calendar and date converter. In English and Urdu. - http://www.islamicacademy.org/
Understanding Islam - Articles and answers to questions in light of the Quran and Sunnah. Also features eBooks, periodicals, and analyses of Quranic verses. - http://www.understanding-islam.com/
Noore Madinah Network - Articles, e-books and other documents, videos, audio files, Quran resources, images, and bookstore. Some resources also available in Urdu. - http://www.nooremadinah.net
4islam.com - Includes information for Muslims and non-Muslims on a variety of topics, as well as postcards, art gallery, and an "Ask an Imam" feature. Requires both Java and JavaScript. - http://www.4islam.com/
Islam Today - Articles on contemporary issues, news, and ethical and legal matters. Includes a section on discovering Islam. - http://www.islamtoday.com/
International Islamic Propagation Center - Lectures in Urdu and English on a variety of topics. Also features information on the organization, discussion transcripts, and matrimonials. - http://www.the-quran.org/
Ask Islam - Large searchable directory with answers to theological and cultural questions, in mp3 and RealAudio formats. - http://www.askislam.com/
Islam by Questions - Presents Muslim belief, religious practice, and perspectives on science and history; uses a question and answer format. - http://www.islamanswers.net/