Beloved Meher Baba Art Cards Gallery - Gallery of photo and paint collage computer-generated printed greeting cards of Meher Baba by Cherie Plumlee. Order form. -
Mystical paintings of Phyllis Ott - Meher Baba and some of his closest disciples represented in small paintings of mystical themes. Contact details for purchases. -
Art and New Humanity Times - Meher Baba represented in David Berry's paintings. Acquisitions and ordering. Art and discussion of scientific and spiritual interests in monthly features. Calling for contributors. -
Laurie's Art - Oil paintings of Meher Baba and Mehera by Laurie Blum. Order form for prints. -
Wodin - Gallery of pastel portrayals of scenes from Meher Baba's life by Steve Jameson (a.k.a. Wodin). Semi-animated videos. Order form. -
Mills Studio - Paintings, prints, and greeting cards about Meher Baba by Charlie Mills. Order form. -