Orphalese Tarot - Offers a shareware tarot program with customizable features and appearance. Only available for Windows. - http://www.orphalese.net/index.aspx
Divine Tarot Freeware - Store physical readings on your computer using your personal diary system plus associate notes with your readings. Perform virtual readings and try out new decks and spreads. - http://www.spirogenic.com/tarot/
Tarotcall - Web-based Tarot reading software with a 'Rainbow collection of computer tarot decks'. - http://www.paralelcrossing.net
Totally Intuitive Tarot - A Tarot workshop on CD-ROM. - http://www.healingspirit.com/workshop/details.html
Virtual Tarot Decks - Publishers of virtual tarot decks on CD-ROM. Features the Fool's Tarot by the fool of chaos. - http://www.virtualtarotdecks.com/
The Mystic Tarot - Tarot software designed to answer specific questions and advise on timing. Overview of key features with sample answers. - http://www.themystictarot.com
Wise Tarot - Tarot reading software; a divination and training Tarot tool that offers both registered (full feature) and unregistered (limited feature) versions. - http://www.softlook.com/tarot
Tarot Software For Download - Tarot software which reads the cards and offers some Tarot spreads; addresses relationship, professional, and personal issues. Windows only; free download but limitations apply. - http://www.tarot-software.com/
SofTarot - Tarot software program from Sahara. This site also includes a variety of other metaphysical software programs. - http://www.saharasoftware.com/Software.html
The Studio Inc. - Tarot software, magnets, and New Age gifts. Features a card of the day. - http://tarotstudio.com/
Tarot Magic Software - I-Ching and Tarot reading software for purchase. Fully interactive. - http://www.visionarynet.com/