Tarot : Origin and History - Tarot and playing card history in the 14th and 15th century. Reports, pictures, and research. - http://trionfi.com/tarot-history/
Mirror of the Free - Interpretation of the Tarot and Kabbalah. Contains book reviews and sales details. - http://vaxxine.com/mirrorofthefree
The Tarot of Marseille and the French Tradition - The history, legend, and symbolism of the 17th and 18th century decks of Jean Dodal, Jean Payen, Jean Noblet and Jacques Viéville. - http://tarot-history.com
Le site de Rom - Article about hidden meanings and history of the "Tarot de Marseille." - http://www.whichcrafte.com/mystery/tarot/rom/
Salem Tarot - Tarot History - An overview of the beginnings of the Tarot, and how it became a popular tool of psychic divination. Features witches and tarot, readings and decks. - http://www.salemtarot.com/tarothistory.html
Mystic House - History of Tarot - A short history of tarot cards by PJ Ward. Includes links to readings and resources. - http://www.mystichouse.com/tarot1/history.htm
The Hermitage: Tarot History - Information on the history of tarot cards, along with speculation on the original meanings of the tarot symbolism. - http://www.tarothermit.com/