Fully Rely On God - Prayer request board. - http://www.fullyrelyongod.com/
Post a Prayer - Forum with topical categories for prayer requests. - http://www.postaprayer.org/
Prayerlink - View, post, and respond to requests. Story of Prayerlinks beginnings. Email address for direct prayer request. - http://www.prayerlink.net
Healing4Kids - E-mail prayer list for chronically and critically ill children at Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. - http://healing4kids.4mg.com/
PrayerList.Com - Public online list. - http://www.prayerlist.com/
The Prayer Connection - Prayer partners for military and those affected by the events of 9/11. - http://www.dnbtech.com/suzanne/
Praying Through the Arabian Peninsual (PTAP) - Intercession on behalf of the Arabian Peninsula. Prayer guide, brochure, video, weekly update, monthly focus, and translation. - http://www.pray-ap.info/
Prayer Line - Message, testimonies, links, and guestbook. - http://www.prayerline.faithweb.com/
Innocent Heart Prayer Warriors - Children world-wide ages 5-12 that take prayer requests and pray everyday for 30 days. - http://www.innocenthearts.com/
Upper Room Living Prayer Center - [English, Spanish] Intercessory prayer ministry. Requests by phone or e-mail, articles, and youth prayer ministry. - http://www.upperroom.org/prayer_center/
Virtual Christian Center - Online list. - http://www.virtualchristiancenter.com/prayer/index.php
United Prayer Partners - Prayer groups with team leaders. [Requires Java] - http://www.basicministries.org/Prayer/prayer.shtml
Interactive Prayer System - Available to intercessor groups internationally. Sort by category or region. - http://prayusa.org/
Place of Prayer - Prayer partner. Requests by e-mail, prayer letter, and testimonies. - http://www.miltonbaker.org/
Hallelujah Prayer Warriors - Group of intercessors praying three times daily. Submit requests or join. - http://www.clarencepage.org/warriors.html
Lighthouse of Hope - Group of prayer warrior volunteers and inspirational newsletter. - http://www.lighthouseofhope.org/prayer.html
Global Prayer Warriors - News, forum, prayer calendar, and children's ministry. - http://www.globalprayerwarriors.org/
Greater Grace Prayer Chain - International group of prayers warriors. E-mail and phone line. - http://www.ggwo.org/prayer/