Walking through Thin Places, by Mindie Burgoyne - Article describe thin places, particularly in Celtic Britain and Ireland where the veil between this world and the other world is thin. - http://www.thinplaces.net/openingarticle.htm
Celtic Spirituality in SW Ireland - Introduction to the many historic and archaeological sights where Celtic - Irish peoples pursued their spiritual life. Bay View House - County Kerry, Ireland. - http://www.irishvacationhouse.com/Pages/Spirituality.html
The School of Iona. - Thorough history of the ancient monastery from the Catholic Encyclopedia. - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08090a.htm
Glendalough Monastery - Photographs of archaeological remains at St. Kevin's 6th century monastery at Glendalough. - http://home.earthlink.net/~laurieyoung/glendalough.html
Pilgrimage to Iona - There are lots of great photos of Iona on this site, as well as information about the island, where to stay, and the annual Orthodox pilgrimage. - http://www.orthodox-iona.co.uk