A Biblical Defense of Postmillennialism - Reverend William Einwechter says the decline of the Church will not last and will eventually triumph. - http://www.reformationonline.com/triumph.htm
A Study of American Postmillenialism - History and divisions, Amillennialism compared, doctrinal statements, and scholarly quotes on topics. - http://www.alliancenet.org/pub/articles/riddlebarger.princeton.html
Postmillennialism and the Reformed Faith - Ten point statement on what evangelical postmillennialists believe, including Calvinism. - http://www.forerunner.com/beast/X0006_Postmil_and_Reformed.html
Post-Millennialism in American Protestantism - The development of the doctrine from 1700 and the underlying scriptural views that allowed the development. - http://www.luthersem.edu/word&world/Archives/15-2_Revelation/15-2_N_Koester.pdf