Dinosaurs and theBiblical Flood - Site explains dinosaur fossils in terms of the Noachian deluge and presents evidence that dinosaurs co-existed with humans. - http://nwcreation.net/dinosaurs.html
Genesis Park - Uses a graphical format to present evidence that dinosaurs and man were created together and have co-existed throughout history and suggests that some dinosaurs are still living today. Interpretation of evidence is based on a literal interpretation of Gen - http://www.genesispark.com
Name That Reptile - Dinosaur page at Earth History Research Center. - http://origins.swau.edu/fossil/dino/index.html
Dinosaurs & People - Evidence of co-existence of man and dinosaurs, including photographs of ancient art. - http://www.projectcreation.org/dinosaur.htm
Dinosaur reconstruction from jumbled bones - Examination of significance of dinosaur found in the Isle of Wight in January, 1993, by a geologist named Steve Hutt. - http://www.biblicalcreation.org/biblical_studies/bcs038.html
CEM Online Fun for Kids - Lesson 7 is on dinosaurs. - http://www.creationevidence.org/cemframes.html?http%3A//www.creationevidence.org/fun_for_kids/fun_for_kids.html
New Zealand Sea Creature: Basking Shark or Plesiosaur? - John Koster reviews controversy over unidentified animal caught in the net of fishing vessel off New Zealand in April 1977. - http://www.gennet.org/facts/nessie.html