Design Yes, Intelligent No - Critique of Intelligent Design Theory and Neocreationism. Skeptical Inquirer, September 2001. -
Discovery Institute's "Wedge Project" - Critique of the Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture's (CRSC) widely-circulated position paper on intelligent design. -
The Theological Nature of Intelligent Design - A site that argues that ID seeks to elevate one theological position that God intervenes in evolution in empirically detectable ways, over other theological positions and uses it as a wedge issue. -
Intelligent Design Watch - Site of an online service which counters arguments of creationist and intelligent design movements. -
Why “Intelligent Design” (ID) is Not Science - A research scientist presents arguments against ID and suggests reasons why it should not be taught in the classroom. -
Darwin v. Intelligent Design (Again) - What's wrong with intelligent design? An essay by H. Allen Orr from the Boston Review. -
Neither Intelligent nor Designed - An article with the premise that Intelligent Design fails to meet even the most fundamental elements of rational inquiry. -
Intelligent Design? - A Natural History Magazine article with position statements of proponents of ID and responses by opponents. -