St. Michael's Garabandal Center - Non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the Message delivered by Our Lady of Carmel to four visionaries in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960's. Includes an on-line book on the apparitions. -
The Alleged Apparitions at Garabandal - Statement by the local Catholic bishop in 1996. All of his predecessors, along with a special commission, have determined that the alleged apparitions of Mary at Garabandal do not have a supernatural character. -
The Workers of Our Lady--Canada - Apparitions of Our Lady in Garabandal. Stories of recent miraculous healings. Padre Pio connection. -
International Garabandal Federation - Analyzes the apparitions and prophecies given by Our Lady of Mount Carmen de Garabandal concerning the end of the Millennium. These prophecies were given in the 1960s in the village of Garabandal. -
The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - World Garabandal headquarters founded by Joey Lomangino provides updated information on the Garabandal apparitions. -
The Irish Garabandal Centre - Our Lady's apparitions at Garabandal. Messages for the world. Great miracle to come, for all to believe. Chastisement to follow if the world does not turn to God. -