Hardin, John: Gideon's Sword - Articles and resources defending the 1611 KJV and exposing false teaching, and exhorting Christians in Biblical Christianity. - http://www.gideonsword.net/
Hall, Mike: Two Institutions - Discussion of family and church as institutions established by God. - http://www.twoinstitutions.org/
Hoskins, John: The Apostolic Ministry - Dania Beach, Florida. Preaching the apostolic message and assisting with church planting. - http://theapostolicministry.com/
Harris, Zach Austin - Theological articles, pictures of Singapore, Thailand, family, and friends. - http://onelord.cn/zach/
Hauge, Matthew R. - Recommended music, movies, and literature. Syllabii for courses taught at Azusa Pacific University. Student style handbook for papers in Biblical literature. - http://home.apu.edu/~hauge/
Henry, Douglas - Director of Baylor Institute for Faith and Learning. Curriculum Vita, faith, and mission described. - http://www3.baylor.edu/~Douglas_Henry/
Hein, Kurt - College student writes about missions trips and experiences. Photo gallery. - http://kurt.abundantinfo.com/
Halferty, Bryan: Quest - Blog encouraging spiritual renewal, study of Deuteronomy. - http://renewalquest.blogspot.com/
Hedges, Jeff - Answers to Bible questions and additional writings. - http://www.jeffhedges.com/
Huff, Chris and Abby - News blog and photos of wedding and child, Amber Faith. - http://www.chrisandabby.com/
Hill, Gene: Wedding Chaplain - Available for weddings, funerals, counseling and other important life changes. - http://revgenehill.faithweb.com/
Hazell, Matthew: Scholar in Training - Post-graduate student in Biblical Studies at the University of Sheffield. - http://biblicalstudies-shef.blogspot.com/
Herrick, Karl and Denise - Blog and photos by missionaries in training. - http://www.karlherrick.com/
Hilbig, David and Allison - Upwey, Australia. Childbirth, women's health care, and geocaching. - http://www.hilbig.id.au/
Hewitt, Ron: ServeHim Ministry - Assists the poor of Honduras and teaches them about Jesus Christ. - http://www.servehim.org/
Heaven Awaits - The gospel in plain language, with prayer request link, her own original poetry, midi files, and interactive videos. - http://heavenawaits.com/
Hively, David: Abound in Hope - Blog examining the intersection of religion, society, and postmodern thought - http://withoutoneplea.blogspot.com/
Hinks, Dennis: My Journal - Articles on Bible passages and topics; reflections on Christian living. - http://www.journal33.org/
Hall, Debby: Heart of Gratitude - Testimony, poetry, and links for kids. Background music. - http://www.homepagez.com/gratitude/
Haga, Linda: A Bouquet of Roses - Stories of faith and inspiration, Bible studies, and Christian midis for downloading. - http://jlfoundation.net/
Holt, Tim - Testimony, devotions, and thoughts on Christian living. - http://eagleswings.jesusanswers.com/
Holt, Ben and Jill: The Holt Site - Weblog, weird welcome videos (QuickTime), photos of friends and family, and some original songs (mp3). - http://theholtsite.com/
Heffner Keith: Life Changing Stories - Everyday stories about people and life's problems. Trying to find answers to heal their emptiness in life. - http://pages.prodigy.net/keith61/lcs%20II.html
Harrington, Daphne: Light for the Journey - Encouraging devotionals and other inspiring writings, along with photographs of nature. - http://www.daphneharrington.com/
GuyHenry.com - Butler, Tennessee. Shares original Christian short stories, Bible studies, prayer list, photos, and resume. - http://www.guyhenry.com/
Hall, Eric: Reverend Hall Ministries - Non-denominational minister performing weddings, baptisms, and funerals in the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut area. - http://www.revhallministries.com/