For All the Saints - Biographical profile of St. Aidan of Ferns. Variants on the saint's name include: Aedan, Aedh, Maedoc-Edan, and Moedoc. ("Maedoc" means "my dear Aedh"). -
St. Aeddan - Short hagiography of the sixth-century monk. -
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Maedoc - St. Maedoc, first bishop of Ferns, d. 626. Feast day 31 January. Also known as St. Aidus, Aeddan Foeddog, Moedhog, Mogue, or Hugh. -
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Aedan of Ferns - St. Aedan of Ferns, also called Aedhog, Moaedhog, or Mogue. First bishop of Ferns. This article says he died in 632. -