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  Campus Crusade for Christ (25)

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Featured Websites in this category
Featured Site Campus Crusade for Christ International Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- A worldwide, interdenominational Christian ministry committed to helping take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.
- http://www.ccci.org/

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Regular Websites in this category

Campus Crusade - University of Wisconsin, Stout Open in a new windowLink Details
- Announcements and contacts.
- http://stoutcru.com/

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Campus Crusade - Student Impact Open in a new windowLink Details
- University of Wisconsin, Madison chapter. Resource guide and introduction to: Christianity, quiet times, Bible study, prayer, and local churches. Directory and classified ads.
- http://uwstudentimpact.org/

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Campus Crusade - East Carolina University Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a variety offer groups for prayer, worship, and Bible study. Announcements, event calendar, and four steps presentation.
- http://www.ccc.ecu.edu/

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Campus Crusade - California State University, Long Beach Open in a new windowLink Details
- Ignite weekly large group meeting, Bible study schedules, student testimonials, and member directory.
- http://www.csulb.edu/org/ccc/

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Campus Crusade - California State University, Fresno Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers support groups and coordinates social outreach events, conferences, and summer projects. Submit prayer requests.
- http://www.csufresno.edu/studentorgs/cru/

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University of North Carolina Open in a new windowLink Details
- UNC Charlotte metro chapter. Includes information about events, meetings, message board, and photos.
- http://www.49ercru.com/

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Iowa State University Open in a new windowLink Details
- News and events, prayer wall, and photos.
- http://www.cru.stuorg.iastate.edu/

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The Religious Movements Page: Campus Crusade for Christ Open in a new windowLink Details
- Profile of this group, including history, beliefs, and activities.
- http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/ccc.html

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University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus Crusade for Christ Open in a new windowLink Details
- Focus on evangelism. Offers opportunities for fellowship.
- http://www.umncampuscrusade.org/

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Real Life Boston Open in a new windowLink Details
- An interdenominational ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ working with local churches to reach out and minister to college students in Boston. Features a list of campuses served, photos, and a calendar.
- http://reallifeboston.com/

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Nag CCC ka ba? - Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ Alumni Open in a new windowLink Details
- Alumni site of the Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ. Features news, updates, member directory, chat boards, and virtual tambayans.
- http://www.nagccckaba.com/

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MidSouth Region of Campus Crusade for Christ Open in a new windowLink Details
- Regional chapter of an interdenominational student outreach ministering to students in North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Tennessee. Features conference and retreat information.
- http://www.midsouthcru.com

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University of Michigan Campus Crusade for Christ Open in a new windowLink Details
- A nondenominational Christian ministry that is committed to showing people how they can know and experience God's plan for their lives. Features weekly meetings, events, photos, and a prayer calendar.
- http://www.michigancru.com

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Student Life: East Coast Open in a new windowLink Details
- Regional chapter of Campus Crusade for Christ in Australia. Features news, events, photos, and conferences for campuses along the east coast of Australia.
- http://www.studentlife.org

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Korea Campus Crusade For Christ KCCC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Regional chapter with its headquarters in Seoul is an interdenominational ministry committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. Features small group leadership training, campus witness meetings, morning prayer, retreats, lock-ins, Ge
- http://www.kwak.org/kccc/

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Campus Crusade for Christ - St. Louis Metro Open in a new windowLink Details
- The metro chapter of an interdenominational Christian student ministry in St. Louis and eastern Missouri. Features links to local chapters, events, and photos.
- http://www.crulife.com/

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Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ Open in a new windowLink Details
- Regional chapter of an inter-denominational Christian Student outreach ministry on university campuses. Provides a schedule of events, prayer requests, and news from staff members.
- http://www.sccc.org.sg/modules/paper/

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Ohio University Campus Crusade for Christ & Athletes in Action Open in a new windowLink Details
- Local chapter of an inter-denominational Christian organization that seeks to evangelize and disciple University students. Features small group Bible studies, retreats, conferences, and special events.
- http://www.ouccc.org/

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Kent State University: The Dive Open in a new windowLink Details
- Student outreach challenges and encourages students to consider the claims of Jesus Christ. Features announcements, activities and events, and ways to get involved.
- http://www.thedive.org/

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Student Life: New South Wales Open in a new windowLink Details
- Regional chapter of Campus Crusade for Christ in Australia. Features news, events, photos, and conferences for the Sydney area that includes Macquarie University, Sydney University and University of Western Sydney.
- http://www.studentlife.org.au/

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Pacific Southwest Region of Campus Crusade for Christ Open in a new windowLink Details
- Resource site for staff needs and interests for those working in all chapters in Arizona, California, and Hawaii.
- http://www.psw.org/

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Rice University Campus Crusade for Christ Open in a new windowLink Details
- Christian student outreach ministry on the campus of Rice University in Houston, Texas. Features prayer requests, photos, and information about weekly meetings.
- http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~ccc/

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Crusade Atlanta Open in a new windowLink Details
- Atlanta Metro College Ministry links students on campuses throughout the Atlanta metro area, in the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Features summer projects, resources, and events.
- http://www.crusadeatlanta.org/

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Campus Crusade for Christ: Canada Open in a new windowLink Details
- Canada's national chapter of Campus Crusade for Christ. Features evangelism and discipleship resources and employment opportunities.
- http://www.crusade.org/

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