Werner Icking Music Archive: Claude Goudimel - Includes over 50 scores [PDF format] of harmonizations of Genevan tunes: with lyrics in various languages. - http://www.icking-music-archive.org/ByComposer/Goudimel.php
Genevan Psalter - Features MIDI files for each psalm tunes, and for an original organ preludes based on it: sells sheet music of the preludes. [predominately Dutch site]. - http://www.hervormddinteloord.com/muziek.htm
The Genevan Psalter - Article by David T. Koyzis, including many MIDI files; original English metrical psalms set to the Genevan meters; links. - http://www.redeemer.on.ca/academics/polisci/psalter.html
The Origin of Our Psalm Melodies - Article on the tunes of the Genevan Psalter. - http://spindleworks.com/library/deddens/psalmOrigins.htm