Kainos Enterprises - Facilitates church planting in Canada and the U.S. by performing aspects of ministry on a church's behalf. Features overview of services and fund-raising information. - http://www.kainos.org/
Church planting cultivates Christians - Boston Globe article about a church planting effort in Cambodia leading to a local connection in Massachusetts. - http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2007/06/16/church_planting_cultivates_christians/
Church Creation - Develops software, print, and Internet-based resources with a focus on church planting and church management. - http://www.cc.churchcreation.com/
European Partners In Christ (EPIC) - Links churches in the U.K. with churches in Eastern Europe on a one-to-one basis. - http://epic-churches.org/
Vineyard National Church Planting Task Force - Publishes a quarterly church planting newsletter and offers articles and resources for prospective and established church planters. - http://www.vineyardusa.org/ministries/planting.aspx
Church Plant Survivability and Health Study 2007 - North American Mission Board study of church plant attendance, baptisms, health, and related statistics. - http://www.namb.net/atf/cf/%7BCDA250E8-8866-4236-9A0C-C646DE153446%7D/RESEARCH_REPORT_SURVIVABILITY_HEALTH.PDF
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship: Church Starts - Offering guidance, training, and resources for establishing new churches. Features a reading guide and articles. - http://www.thefellowship.info/involved/network/churchstarts/welcome.icm
Church planting - Wikipedia - Encyclopedia overview of church planting and links to related resources - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_planting
Mediastrategy.org - Free downloadable book and additional resources for church marketing and media use in the developing world. - http://www.mediastrategy.org/
Foursquare Church Multiplication - Features church planting resources, including a self-assessment quiz, life cycle info, demographics, spiritual gifts tests, and more. - http://reachmore.foursquare.org/
Church Planting Ministries - Training, coaching, and encouraging church planters around the world. Detailed information for founding a new church as well as improving involvement at an existing church is provided. - http://www.plantingministries.org/
ChurchPlants.com - Outreach tools, general articles, and free gift packs for new churches from Outreach.com. - http://www.churchplants.com/
Passion for Church Planting - Provides resources and support services to establish new churches. Features marketing services, workshops and conferences, forums, and consultations. - http://www.passionforplanting.com
CoachNet International Ministries - Offers a church planting reference library, discussion forums, internet study courses, and interactive online coaching tools. - http://www.coachnet.org
Church Multiplication Training Center - Conducts church planting boot camps, training, and consulting to planters, spouses, coaches, and denominational leaders. - http://www.cmtcmultiply.org
A Church Planter's Paradise - Connects qualified church planters with church planting opportunities with multiple organizations. - http://www.church-planting.org/
NewChurches - Information about church planting assessments, legal issues, church types, and discussion forums. - http://www.newchurches.com/
Church Planting Village - Contains various church planting resources, including demographics, vendors, tools, and newsletters. - http://www.churchplantingvillage.net/
Elmer Towns - Spiritual Breakthroughs - Provides resources to help start and grow new churches. Contains free books for the study of church growth, Christian education, Bible study and exposition, and Christian life. - http://www.elmertowns.com/
Church Growth Resources - Resources for studying church growth, including the planting of new churches. Developed by Howard Culbertson, professor of missions at Southern Nazarene University. - http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert/chgrowth.htm
Alliance For Saturation Church Planting - Plants evangelical churches in post-communist Eurasia and offers downloadable church planting manuals and books. - http://www.alliancescp.org/
New Church Initiatives - Provides coaching, online training, live seminars, assessment, and networking to church planters. - http://www.newchurchinitiatives.org
Dynamic Church Planting International - Christian organization based in Oceanside, California, conducts training and produces resources to equip leaders in their efforts to plant churches. - http://www.dcpi.org
Church Planting Solutions - Church planting support organization from New Life Christian Church in Centreville, Virginia, offers administrative and project management services to church planters. - http://www.church-planting-solutions.com
Total Mobilization Support Ministries - Assists in the acceleration of church-planting efforts by combining North American resources through short-term building and evangelism teams. - http://www.tmsm.org/
Church Planting Resources - A community designed to assist those who are involved in church planting and running churches. Features information on sharing knowledge to build systems, implementing vision, administration, and new technologies. - http://www.churchplantingresources.com
World Mission Associates - Promotes self-reliance and local leadership for churches through a video series, articles, and seminars. - http://www.wmausa.org/
Project World Reach: Train & Multiply - Canadian charity features New Testament methods to train church leaders that combines pastoral and leadership training with church planting and development. - http://trainandmultiply.com
Ethnic Harvest: Resources for Multicultural Ministry - Organization provides resources and information to establish partnerships between ethnic and anglo churches on how to plant ethnic churches in North America. - http://www.ethnicharvest.org
ChurchSmart Resources - Christian publishing company and training organization focused on church planting, church health, and leadership development. - http://www.churchsmart.com/
Church Planting Resources Table - Directory of church planting resources, including demographics, denominational organizations, articles, and consultants. - http://www.mislinks.org/church/chplant.htm