YWAM Training
- Short and long term evangelism and missions training for youths.
- http://www.ywam.org/contents/get_tra_introtraining.htm
Evangelism Explosion
- Training people to reach the world for Christ.
- http://eeinternational.org/
Layman Evangelism - Online training programs (require the user to buy certain materials), tracts to print out, recommended books, and other resources for the lay evangelist. - http://www.layevangelism.com/
The JapanNet - Training and resources for Christians ministering to Japanese. - http://www.japannet.typepad.com/
The Gathering: Witches are Real People Too - A study on American neo-paganism, explaining key ideas and perspectives and advocating a tolerant and understanding attitude. Concludes with an explanation of how to best present the Gospel to Wiccans and other neo-pagans. - http://www.salemgathering.com/Gathering_Web/NewPages/pagan_study_intro.html
The Navigators (U.S.) - A world-wide organization discipling and training Christians to evangelize. - http://www.navigators.org/us/
Evangelism and Church Planting - Includes a guide to basic evangelism, answers to common questions about Christianity, article on evangelizing like Jesus, and how to write an effective testimony. - http://www.christian-faith.com/html/page/evangelism
Rhema: Education - Kenneth Hagin's Word of Faith teaching and evangelism training base. Information on the RHEMA Bible Training School, Correspondence Bible School, and Institute of Biblical Studies. - http://www.rhema.org/education/
Evangelism - Ray Comfort teaches how to use the ten commandments in evangelism, an other advice on how to effectively witness. - http://www.smithworks.org/stephen/evangelism/
Go Tell Evangelism - Information on seminars and courses to teach Christians how to effectively share the gospel. Also includes training outline, articles, and Bible study resources. - http://www.gotell.gracenet.org/
Our Mission as Christians - An introduction to evangelism in the power of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders following. - http://www.christian-faith.com/bible-studies/mission.html
Mercy Street Ministries - Take a free course in street witnessing and they will mail you a free certificate in Evangelism Ministry. - http://www.mercystreet.com/
Latter Rain - Charismatic evangelistic group offering training in child evangelism, and missions. - http://www.latter-rain.org/
Youth Leader Connection - Iowa based group revitalizing youth ministries through Scripture, structure and support. - http://www.youthleader.org/
Evangelism Toolbox - Multilingual database of resources to help you share your faith in Christ. Offered by top evangelical organizations. - http://www.evangelismtoolbox.com/
The National Short Term Missions Conference - An annual conference to promote the education and networking of those interested in pursuing missions as a ministry full time, part time or only for a short term team. - http://www.nstmc.org/
US Center for World Mission - Training the Body of Christ to reach people in new frontiers. - http://www.uscwm.org/
Caleb Project - American scheme for training and encouraging world evangelism. - http://www.calebproject.org/