Unity Church of Traverse City - Schedule of services, contact information, announcements, information on youth ministry. Traverse City, Michigan. - http://www.unity-traverse.org/
Unity-North - Location and driving directions, mission statement, service times, calendar. Lake Orion, Michigan. - http://www.unitylakeorion.org/
Church of Today - Church pastored by author Marianne Williamson. Events, groups, mission statement. Warren, Michigan. - http://www.churchoftoday.com/
Church of Today West - Time and place of meetings, driving directions, description of Sunday celebrations. Novi, Michigan. - http://www.cotwest.com/
Unity of Livonia - Schedule of services, staff directory, information on education for all ages. Livonia, Michigan. - http://www.unityoflivonia.org/
Unity Church of Peace - A supportive center of unconditional love, offering everyone the freedom to experience a deeper level of intimacy with God and to understand the spiritual Truth that lies within us all. Grand Rapids, Michigan. - http://www.iserv.net/~unitycop/
Detroit Unity Temple - History, location, schedule of services, information on broadcast and prayer ministries. Detroit, Michigan. - http://www.detroitunity.com/