Queensland Synod - Official website. Offers overview, congregations, synod, services, education and Presbyteries. - http://www.ucaqld.com.au
Synod of Victoria and Tasmania - Official website of the regional council for the Uniting Church in Australia that covers the states of Victoria and Tasmania. - http://victas.uca.org.au
Wikipedia Entry - Uniting Church in Australia - An entry in the Wikipedia about the Uniting Church (not official website) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniting_Church_in_Australia
Uniting Church Online - A website/portal for Uniting Church related organisations and agencies. - http://www.unitingchurch.org.au
National Assembly - The official website the Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA). The Assembly is the national council of the Uniting Church. - http://nat.uca.org.au/
Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) - The UAICC is an autonomous organisation within the Uniting Church in Australia. Congress has the responsibility for the oversight of the church's life and mission with and for the Aboriginal and Islander people of Australia. - http://nat.uca.org.au/uaicc/
Synod of Western Australia - Official website of the regional council for the Uniting Church in Australia that covers southern parts of the state of Western Australia. - http://www.wa.uca.org.au/
Northern Synod - Official website of the regional council of the Uniting Church in Australia that covers the Northern Territory and the northern regions of Western Australia. - http://ns.uca.org.au/
Synod of South Australia - Official website of the regional council for the Uniting Church in Australia that covers the state of South Australia. - http://www.sa.uca.org.au/
NSW Synod - Official website of the regional council of the Uniting Church in Australia that covers both New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. - http://nsw.uca.org.au