United Church of Canada
- Official site of Canada's largest Protestant denomination. Formed in 1925 through the union of Canadian Methodists, Congregationalists and 70% of Canadian Presbyterians.
- http://www.united-church.ca
More Voices - Online resources to supplement the official hymnal Voices United. - http://www.morevoices.ca/
Rev's Page - For the text of the United Church of Canada Act, free software of interest to church folks, etc. - http://www.magma.ca/~rev/
Vancouver School of Theology - Offers diploma and degree programs in Christian studies. Includes continuing and distance education, student services, news and events and articles. - http://www.vst.edu/
Three Stereotypes and a Confirmation - Article exploring several issues with the United Church. - http://www.christianweek.org/stories/vol11/no17/editor.htm
Sermon & Sermon-Lectionary Resources - Original sermons based on the Revised Common Lectionary and links to various sermon and lectionary resources on the WWW. Sermons posted prior to lectionary date of preaching. A ministry of Kir-Shalom. - http://www.rockies.net/~spirit/sermon.html
Project Ploughshares - Introduction, current issues, internships available, resources, and information on armed conflicts and nuclear war. - http://www.ploughshares.ca/
About The United Church - Formed in 1925 through a union of the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregationalist Churches in Canada - http://www.storm.ca/~bcuc/UC/unch.htm
United Church Observer - The denomination's monthly magazine that explores faithful living today. Contents online. - http://www.ucobserver.org/