Without Fear of Favor - M. L. Andreasen Biography (1979) by Virginia Steinweg. Steinweg has woven together pages from Andreasen's own unfinished autobiography with the results of her own research to show a many faceted view of the man, best known for "Letters to the Chur - http://www.sdanet.org/atissue/books/andreasen/index.htm
A Word to the Little Flock - This is the first booklet (1847) published by what would later become the Seventh-day Adventist founders - James White, Ellen White, and Joseph Bates. Ellen White's first visions are recorded. - http://www.earlysda.com/flock/lflockcontents.html
The Word Made Simple - Bible study outlines with texts and short comments are in this booklet. It has a section on difficult Bible texts. - http://www.projectrestore.com/library/wordsimple/word_simple3.htm