Orthodox Monasteries Worldwide Web Directory
- Comprehensive web directory of the Orthodox Monasteries around the world, presenting the addresses, description and photographs.
- http://www.orthodox-monasteries.com
PUTNA Monastery, Romania - [Romanian, English] Virtual tour, history, art, and photos. - http://www.putna.ro/
Orthodox Monasticism - Description of monasticism relates to the laity and history. By the Orthodox Church of Serbia, Raska and Prizren Diocese. - http://www.kosovo.net/monasticism.html
The Monastic Life - In Response to a Modernist Abbot's Observations, by His Eminence, Archbishop Chrysostomos - http://www.orthodoxinfo.com/phronema/monastic.aspx
Monasticism in the Orthodox Church - Excellent background on the development of monasticism in both the East and the West. - http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith/monasticism/