Encyclopedia Coptica
- Information about the Coptic church, including the Coptic Network Archives, icons, history, links, and articles.
- http://www.coptic.net/EncyclopediaCoptica/
British Orthodox Church - A Diocese of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. Serving the people of the British Isles, and helping to restore British Orthodoxy. Lives of British Orthodox saints, articles, and book reviews. - http://www.britishorthodox.org/
Coptic Church Network - Includes detailed information on Coptic Church such as its history, dogmas, liturgies, saints. Also contains a directory of Coptic Churches in the United States. - http://www.copticchurch.net/
About.com - Coptic Christianity - Short description of Coptic beliefs and history includes information about contemporary persecution and conflicts in Egypt. - http://atheism.about.com/library/glossary/western/bldef_coptic.htm
Coptic Orthodox Publication & Translation (COPT) - Volunteer organization to help with translation and publication of Coptic works written in arabic. Not funded by the church, but established through the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate, NSW Board of Deacons, Sydney - Australia. - http://www.copt.org.au/
Coptic Orthodox Church Of Australia - The site for the Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia, contains pictures of Egyptian monasteries, e-mail diriectory for the clergy and online chat. - http://www.ains.net.au/~johnh/
CopticMail.com - Providing free email, free advertising, information and many other free services for all Copts. - http://www.copticmail.com