Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church in Canada - Exarchate of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. History, beliefs, directory of leadership and information on St. Cyprian's Orthodox Theological Seminary. - http://www.easternorthodoxcatholic.org/
Orthodox Christian Contact, Wales. - Introduction to the Holy Orthodox Church. Orthodox Christian teaching and spirituality. Parish events in Wales, U.K. Pilgrimages. Celtic christianity. - http://www.orthodoxchurch.co.uk
Roman Orthodox Church - Founded in 1984. Western Rite. Includes information about the Roman Orthodox Benedictine Congregation, statement of communion, and virtual chapels. Includes Spanish version. - http://www.romanorthodox.com/
Holy Mother of Mercy Chapel - Complete information concerning the Chapel and the link to the mother church the Orthodox Catholic Church of America along with links to sister parishes. - http://www.mercychapel.org
Charismatic Orthodox Church - Includes ordination criteria, statement of faith, message from the patriarch, liturgy, founders testimony, protocol, photo gallery, and donation form. - http://userpages.aug.com/~mdkersey/wizzg.html
The Orthodox Catholic Church of America - Describes the faith and church history, provides pastoral resources and archived writings, and links to its parishes, dioceses, and clergy. - http://www.orthodoxcatholicchurch.org/
Descent of the Holy Spirit Orthodox Mission - Resource center with articles, books, videos, and seminars, based on holy Scripture and the eastern church fathers as well as contemporary Orthodox teachers. Uses frames, but the content is worth the effort. - http://www.descentoftheholyspirit.org/