Central Moravian Church
- Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The first Moravian congregation in North America, founded in 1742. Includes information about its history, worship, education, outreach programs, pastor and staff.
- http://www.enter.net/~cmc/
Graceham Moravian Church - Thurmont, Maryland. Offers overview, beliefs, events, worship, pastor's note and education. - http://www.gracehammoravian.org/
New Dorp Moravian Church - Staten Island, New York. Clanedar, history, and Sunday school information. - http://www.newdorpmoravianchurch.com/
Palmetto Moravian Fellowship - Spartanburg, South Carolina. The only Moravian Fellowship in the state. - http://palmettomoravianfellowship.org/
Good Shepherd Church - North West Calgary, Alberta, with both traditional Moravian and contemporary praise worship services. - http://www.goodshepherdmoravian.org/
Moravian Church of Downey - Downey, California. Moravian links, Daily Text. - http://www.downeymoravian.org/
Lititz Moravian Church - Lititz, Pennsylvania. One of the largest Moravian congregations of North America, in a historic building dating from 1787. Heritage tours. Pastor's sermons, Daily Text. - http://www.forministry.com/USPAMORCALMCLM/
Fairfield Moravian Settlement, Manchester - A worshipping church within a reconstructed historic Moravian community dating to 1785. Guided tours are available. - http://www.billnkaz.demon.co.uk/moravian.htm
Reading Moravian Church - Reading, Pennsylvania. A site with diverse church information, including genealogy. - http://www.readingmoravian.org
Ephraim Moravian Church - Ephraim, Wisconsin. Pastor's corner. Moravian information links. - http://www.ephraimmoravian.org/
East Side Moravian Church - Green Bay, Wisconsin. Moravian information, local news, Bible search. - http://www.gbem.org/
East Hills Moravian Church - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Many links to Moravian information, photo gallery. - http://www.easthillsmc.org
Church of the Redeemer - Dublin, Ohio. With links to other Moravian information. - http://www.redeemermoravian.org/
Christian Faith Moravian Church - Basic information includes worship, Sunday School and discussion group schedules, pastor and contact details. Located in De Forest, Wisconsin. - http://danenet.wicip.org/moravian/