A Comparison of Lutheranism with Other Churches - The theology and practices of the Lutheran Church are laid out beside those of Catholic and Protestant churches. - http://www.xrysostom.com/compare.html
Get that Camel's Nose out of the Tent! - Defense against those in Lutheranism who attack the use of proof texts. Calls also for sensitive harmonizing of apparent discrepancies in Scripture. - http://www.ourredeemerlcms.org/camels%20nose.pdf
Lutheran - Outlines differences between Lutherans and modern Evangelicals or traditional Reformed theology. Includes discussions of Law and Gospel and the fallen nature of mankind. - http://home.ctctel.com/berg/Luther.html
Distinction Between Orthodox and Heterodox Churches - Translation of a Franz Pieper essay from 1889 addressing membership in bodies considered right-teaching and of a mixed confession. - http://www.reclaimingwalther.org/articles/pieperohcintro.htm
Denominational Differences - Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod comparisons with other Lutheran and Christian bodies and non-Christian groups in theology and practice. - http://www.lcms.org/cic/denomina.htm
Why We Must Promote True Lutheranism - The Rev. Kent Heimbigner argues that true, Biblical theology is true, Lutheran theology and must be proclaimed, taught, and defended as such. - http://www.concordtx.org/cpapers/heimbig.htm
Very Unofficial Otten LCMS Site - Pastor Gregory L. Jackson, Ph.D., examines the relationship between the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod and Pastor Herman Otten's Christian News. - http://users5.50megs.com/ottenlcms/
Teachers, Not Pharasites - The Rev. Matthew Rusert coins a term for many in the bureaucratic offices of the church from pharisee and parasite. He complains that self-sacrifice has been replaced by self-service. - http://www2.txcyber.com/~wd5iqr/tcl/rusert.htm
Reclaiming Walther in the LCMS - A site for the promotion of the principles of Lutheran theology as expressed by C.F.W. Walther, a founder of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. - http://www.reclaimingwalther.org/
Lutherans: Catholic, Protestant, or Other? - Discussion on Lutheranism's relationship with other parts of western Christendom. - http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/lutheranism/55734
DayStar Network - Includes documents, links, and the e-zine DayStar Arising. Missouri Synod members joined by others, including ELCA, to change the theology and ecumenical practice of the LCMS. - http://www.day-star.net/
WordAlone Network - A nationwide network of confessional, evangelical Lutherans begun in the ELCA, organized for renewal in the Word alongside or outside the ELCA and the LCMS. - http://www.wordalone.org/
Explicating the Common Understanding of Justification - Contra to the second sub-section of section four of the Joint Declaration by certain Lutherans and the Roman Catholics, examining also sanctification. - http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/lutheranism/30329
Concerning the Name Lutheran - C. F. W. Walther supports the use of the title for the church, defending it as a one-word statement of confession and definition of doctrinal position. - http://www.ctsfw.edu/etext/walther/name_luth.asc
Jesus-First Leadership - Theological and political activism in the Missouri Synod designed to move the LCMS away from what are viewed as narrow interpretations of inter-church and intra-church doctrine and practice. - http://www.jesusfirst.net/