Loeschman, Rev. Al - WD5IQR - Missouri Synod pastor of Bethlehem, North Zulch, Texas and ham radio operator shares his passions for shortwave, scuba, auto racing, and theology. - http://user.txcyber.com/~wd5iqr/wd5iqr/
Kuster, Theo and Helga - Former LCMS missionaries write about their time in Chicago, Peru, Central America, Panama, Kazakhstan, and Ghana. Also current projects, including cataloging Harold Bul's sermon notes further work in missiology. - http://www.kuster-web.net/
Krueger, Walter - Lutheran-at-large - Concordia University (LCMS), Portland, Oregon, choir master, organist, teacher, arranger and composer. Article on Luther and bar songs. - http://home.teleport.com/~wkrueger/
Kelly, Robert A - Dr. Bob - Professor of systematic theology, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. Includes articles, course materials and links to theological resources. - http://www.seminary.wlu.ca/robertkelly.php
Snyder, Walter - Xrysostom: The Golden Mouth - Collection of articles and links about confessional Lutheranism, Christian theology, philosophy, music, culture, sports, friendship, education, and computing from a Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod pastor. - http://www.xrysostom.com/
Chuvala, Keith - KGC - A theologically astute techno-geek, fluent in Greek, Hebrew, and programming languages, takes you from the Kansas prairies and the Houston bayous to the farthest reaches of cyberspace and outer space. - http://www.chuvala.com/index.html
Halverson, Chris - Luther Matrix, the Blog of a pre-sem being a biographical log of a pre-seminary student at the University of Oregon. Includes a synopsis of the Bible, "Lutheran poetry" and theological questions. - http://www.luthermatrix19.blogspot.com/
Carner, Pastor Richard - WebRest - Monroeville, PA. Devotion, personal information, and contact. - http://users.adelphia.net/~rcarner/
Norgard, Eric A. - Pastor on the clergy roster of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Contact information and photos. - http://eric.norgard.net/
Singleton, Gregory Holmes, PhD - Chair and self-described Resident Old Curmudgeon of the Department of History, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago often uses humor to introduce discussion lists, theology, history, and personal interests. - http://www.neiu.edu/~ghsingle/
Panek, Larry, PhD - Associate Dean of Science and Associate Professor of Physics, Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania shows his scientific side as well as photography (including comets), his church, and his woodworking. - http://science.widener.edu/~panek/
Johns, Susan M - The Q Page - Librarian from Pittsburg (Kansas) State University devotes attention to facts and fancies concerning the seventeenth letter of the alphabet. - http://library.pittstate.edu/staff/susan/
DeGarmeaux, Mark - ELS member, professor and chaplain at Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota puts his theology front and center. - http://www.blc.edu/comm/gargy/gargy1/M.DeGarmeaux.html