FAQs concerning the Local Churches - Frequently asked questions concerning the beliefs and practices of the local churches. - http://ltm.org/
Testimony of the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry, The - Dialogue with Fuller theological seminary and statement concerning the teachings of the local churches and Living Stream Ministry published in response to an open letter from evangelical scholars and ministers. - http://lctestimony.org/
A Faithful Word - An analysis of public dissenting statements regarding the booklet Publication Work in the Lord's Recovery and quarantining of Titus Chu and those who publicly promote and defend his divisive activities. - http://afaithfulword.org/
Witness Lee and the local churches: A Personal Testimony Refuted - Examining accusations that Witness Lee and the local churches are a cult and comparing with facts disproving allegations presenting positive testimonies of the truth. - http://www.local-church-cult.org/
Contending for the Faith - A detailed explanation of the misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the teachings of Witness Lee and practices of local churches. Current controversy, litigation, experts, responses, retraction, legal decision, open letter, and links. - http://www.contendingforthefaith.com/