Wheeling Jesuit University - Department of Theology and Religious Studies. Wheeling, West Virginia. B.A. in Theology and Religious Studies; M.A. in Applied Theology, with concentration in pastoral ministry, religious education, or spirituality. - http://www.wju.edu/academics/rst/
University of Portland - Department of Theology. Portland, Oregon. Offers a major or minor in theology for undergraduates, and an M.A. in Pastoral Ministry. - http://college.up.edu/theology/
Boston College - Department of Theology. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Undergraduate through doctoral programs. - http://www.bc.edu/schools/cas/theology/
Pontifical Biblical Institute - Biblical Faculty. Rome, Italy. Jesuit institution offers the licentiate and doctorate. Closely associated with the Gregorian and the Oriental Institute. - http://www.biblico.it/
Spring Hill College - Department of Theology. Mobile, Alabama. Jesuit school offers B.A. and M.A. in theology, as well as the M.T.S. and Master of Pastoral Studies. - http://www.shc.edu/theology/
Catholic University of America - Department of Theology and Religious Studies. Washington, D.C. Undergraduate through doctoral level programs offering civil, pastoral, and ecclesiastical degrees. - http://religiousstudies.cua.edu/
University of Saint Thomas - School of Theology. Houston, Texas. Run by the Basilian Fathers. Two-track M.Div. program, M.A. in theological studies or pastoral studies, B.A. in pastoral studies. - http://www.stthom.edu/stmary/
Marquette University - Theology Department. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Jesuit school offers undergraduate through doctoral degrees in theology; for the graduate programs, Scripture, historical theology, or systematics. - http://www.theo.mu.edu/
University of San Francisco - Department of Theology and Religious Studies. San Francisco, California, and Phoenix, Arizona. - http://www.usfca.edu/theology/
University of Scranton - Theology Department. Scranton, Pennsylvania. - http://academic.uofs.edu/department/theology/
Saint Louis University - Department of Theological Studies. St. Louis, Missouri. - http://www.slu.edu/colleges/AS/theology/
Loyola Marymount University - Department of Theological Studies. Los Angeles, California. - http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/theology/
Vytautas Magnus University - Faculty of Catholic Theology. Kaunas, Lithuania. - http://www.vdu.lt/Theology/Teol_angl.htm