Encyclopædia Britannica: More, Sir Thomas - Lengthy biographical article on the Lord Chancellor and author. In the 11th edition (1911). Some scanner errors. - http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Sir_Thomas_More
A Father for All Seasons - Essay on Thomas More as a model Christian father. - http://www.familylifecenter.net/article.asp?artId=110
Our Patron Saint - Profile of St. Thomas More. - http://www.stmdarienct.org/our_patron.htm
Saint Sir Thomas More - Essay on why this sixteenth-century statesman is a saint for our time. - http://www.acsta.ab.ca/publications/dimension/spring2001/vervoort.htm
The Trial of Sir Thomas More, 1535 - An online account of the trial and execution, from the World Wide Legal Information Association. - http://www.duhaime.org/Law_museum/uk-more.aspx
For All the Saints: Thomas More - Biographical sketch, with excerpts from More's writings. - http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/0622.htm#thom
Great Voyages: Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) - Part of a course at Oregon State University on the history of Western philosophy. Portrait of More, brief biography, timeline, links, bibliography. - http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/philosophers/more.html
Bold Type: Peter Ackroyd - Excerpt from Ackroyd's biography of Sir Thomas More, and an interview of the author. - http://www.randomhouse.com/boldtype/1098/ackroyd/
Mark P. Shea: St. Thomas More - More is proof that even lawyers can get to heaven. - http://www.mark-shea.com/more_f.html
Meeting Sir Thomas More - Winner of an essay contest for teens. John Griffin tells why, if he could travel through time to meet someone, it would be More. - http://www.evangelist.org/archive/htm/teengrif.htm
The History Guide: Sir Thomas More, 1478-1535 - Portrait and short biography of the English statesman. Also, Erasmus's description of More. - http://www.historyguide.org/earlymod/stmore.html
The Man for All Seasons - A review of Peter Ackroyd's book "The Life of Thomas More." - http://www.simplysharing.com/more.htm
Muriel Mirak-Wiessbach: St. Thomas More - Speech presented to a Schiller Institute conference. Delves into More's idea of law and his ideal of the king. - http://www.schillerinstitute.org/conf-iclc/2001/Oberw-/conf_aug01_mlm.html
Proclaiming Saint Thomas More Patron of Statesmen and Politicians - Apostolic letter, issued motu proprio, by Pope John Paul II. Includes biographical information on the saint, lauded even in his own lifetime as a model of moral integrity and devotion to justice. - http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/motu_proprio/documents/hf_jp-ii_motu-proprio_20001031_thomas-more_en.html
What Is Literature?: More, Sir Thomas - Brief biography. - http://www.ks.ac.kr/~ycsuh/courses/engsurvey/engsurveyindex/biography/16century/biotmore.htm
The Life of Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) - Hypertext biography of the Renaissance English author and Catholic martyr. At Luminarium. - http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/morebio.htm
Utopia as Mirror for a Life and Times - Keynote speech by biographer Richard Marius from 1995 conference. - http://www.humanities.ualberta.ca/emls/iemls/conf/texts/marius.html
Sir Thomas More and the Art of Dialogue - Ph.D. dissertation by Romuald Ian Lakowski, analyzing the structures of four works by Sir Thomas More: The History of Richard III, the 'Dialogue of Counsel' in Book I of Utopia, The Dialogue Concerning Heresies, and The Dialogue of Comfort in Tribulation. - http://www.humanities.ualberta.ca/emls/iemls/work/chapters/lakowski.html
The Story of Thomas More - Complete online text of the book by John Farrow. With portrait. - http://www.cin.org/farmor.html
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Thomas More - Biographical article on the Lord Chancellor of England, and martyr. Beheaded 1535. - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14689c.htm
The Life of Sir Thomas More - By William Roper, More's son-in-law. 117K. - http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/16Croper-more.html
Patron Saints Index: Thomas More - Illustrated profile, with links. Also a reading from a letter that More wrote to his beloved daughter Margaret while he was in prison. - http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintt04.htm