Onderzoeksgroep Johannes Duns Scotus - Research group associated with the Franciscaans Studiecentrum, Utrecht, Netherlands. History of the group, publications, biography and the significance of Duns Scotus, photo of monument in Scotland. In Dutch, English, and Spanish. - http://www.dunsscotus.nl/
Catholic Encyclopedia: Scotism and Scotists - Long article on the school of philosophy inspired by John Duns Scotus, and its proponents in the fourteenth through nineteenth centuries. - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13610b.htm
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Duns Scotus - In-depth article on the life, work, and thought of John Duns Scotus. By Thomas Williams, professor of philosophy at the University of Iowa. - http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/duns-scotus/