Guérin   - Eugénie de Guérin, a French writer; b. at the château of La Cayla, in Languedoc, 15 January, 1805; d. there 5 June, 1848. Georges-Maurice de Guérin, a French poet, brother of Eugénie; b. at the château of La Cayla, in Languedoc, 5 August, 1810; d. t - 
Great Falls   - Created by Pope Pius X, 18 May, 1904; comprises the following counties in the State of Montana: Carbon, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Dawson, Fergus, Park, Rosebud, Sweet Grass, Valley, and Yellowstone. - 
Glarean, Henry   - Swiss humanist, poet, philosopher, geographer, mathematician, and musician, born at Mollis, near Glarus, Switzerland, in June, 1488, and died at Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 27 March, 1563. - 