Litany of St. Joseph - Kyrie, invocation of the Trinity, petitions asking St. Joseph to intercede for us. A beautiful and popular litany. -
Selected Litanies - These half-dozen litanies are those to which indulgences are attached in the 1968 Enchiridion. -
Litany of the Holy Ghost - Intended for private devotion. Begs the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts. -
Catholic Encyclopedia: Litany - Explains what a litany is, gives an overview of the historical development of litanies. Considers the Eastern Church and non-Latin rites. -
A Litany of Women for the Church - Calls on our mothers in faith. By S. Joan Chittister, O.S.B. -
Prayers E-Book: Litanies - Collection of 27 litanies and similar prayers. Most are good; a few are of dubious worth. -
Litany to Old Testament Saints - Uses some of the titles of God found in the Old Testament, calls on the holy men and women who faithfully served God before the coming of Christ. -
Litany of the Love of God - A wonderful litany of gratitude for God's love. Written by Pope Pius VI. -
Litany of St. Raphael - Litany asking the protection of the angel Raphael, patron of travelers and of the sick. -
Litany of the Saints - So well-known that it needs no introduction. It is perfectly appropriate to add your patron saint, your parish's or nation's patron saint, and the deceased whose holy lives you have witnessed--even if uncanonized--to the honor roll. -
The Divine Praises - A litany of praise. Asks for nothing but that Jesus may be loved more. -