Henry George, Dr. Edward McGlynn, and Pope Leo XIII - Conference paper proposes that Rerum novarum was a thoroughly Thomist rebuke of Georgist ideas. - http://www.earthsharing.org.au/index.php?module=Website&action=Text&content=1128571045625-0104&parentContent=1125898930309-8271
A Brief History of Pope Leo XIII - Outline of his career, thoughtful criticism of his successes and failures, list of his writings as pope. - http://www.greeleynet.com/~maxalla/OKHSSub/LeoXIII.html
Daily Catholic: Pope Leo XIII - Profile of the pope voted one of the top 100 Catholics of the 20th century by the site's visitors. - http://www.dailycatholic.org/issue/archives/1999Nov/213nov10,vol.10,no.213txt/nov10top.htm