Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - San Francisco, California - The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, are a community of Catholic women religious committed to living and transmitting the message of Jesus Christ through prayer and service. In the tradition of their foundress, Nano Nagle, they seek -
All about the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary - Women religious: Presentation of Mary, Marie Rivier Sisters. On discernment, formation, retreats, hope and prayer. A young Catholic community. -
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - New Windsor, New York - Roman Catholic religious congregation of women formed in 1997 from Fitchburg, MA, and Newburgh, NY, Presentation Sisters. Administration Center:New Windsor, NY. Foundress: Nano Nagle, Ireland,1775. Gospel mission and ministry. -
Sisters of the Presentation of Mary - Manchester Province - A Roman Catholic Congregation of religious women dedicated to education of the faith. An international order found in 17 countries and five continents. -