St.Mary's Abbey - Glencairn, Ireland - Glencairn Abbey are a community of monastic women belonging to the Cistercian Order. The only Cistercian abbey for women in Ireland. -
Santa Rita Abbey, Cistercian SO - The nuns of the Trappistine Monastery in Sonoita Arizona living a life of Solitude, Silence and Prayer offer a retreat house for people seeking spiritual refreshment. -
Notre Dame de L'Assomption Abbey - New Brunswick, Canada - A monastic community of Roman Catholic nuns situated in Canada. They are a bilingual community (French and English). They have a retreat house attached to the monastery. -
Nostre Signora di San Giuseppe Abbey - Vitorchiano, Italy - One of the older more established abbies of the Trappistine congregation, it has many daughter monasteries around te world. Site is in English, Spanish, French and Italian. -