Orlagh Retreat Centre - Orlagh, Ireland - The homepage for the Orlagh community of the Irish Augustinians (OSA). - http://www.augustinians.ie/orlagh/index.html
Tagaste Monastery - Augustinian Recollects - A community of professed religious united in fraternal charity, by faith in Jesus Christ, and participation in the Mission of His Church. They are animated by the spirit of St. Augustine and striving to live out his ideal. - http://www.tagastemonastery.org
Clare Priory - The Augustinians's first priory in England. Site has information on their lives, what they do, and retreat opportunities. - http://www.clarepriory.org.uk/
Augustinian Saints, Blesseds and More - Illustrated biographical sketches of more than 100 Saints, Blesseds and Servants of God associated with the Roman Catholic Order of Saint Augustine. - http://www.midwestaugustinians.org/saints.html
Augustinian Recollects USA - One of the parts of the Augustian family. Where they are, what they do and vocational information. - http://www.augustinianrecollects.org
The Augustinians of Great Britain - Information about the presence and works of the Augustinian order in Great Britain. - http://www.augustinians.org.uk
Augustinians of the Midwest - General information, spirituality, ministries, vocations, volunteer opportunities, and directory of a Roman Catholic religious community of men in the central United States. Order of Saint Augustine. - http://midwestaugustinians.org/
Korean Augustinian - Webpages about the foundation of an Augustinian presence in Korea began in the 1980's. - http://www.augustinians.org.au/communities/korea.html
Augustinians - Province Saint Thomas of Villanova - Information about the worldwide Augustinian Order; the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova; Augustinian spiritual father Saint Augustine of Hippo and his many writings; Augustinian patron Saint Thomas of Villanova, a bishop dedicated to the poor and mar - http://www.augustinian.org/
Augustinians Home Page - Home page of the world wide Order of St. Augustine. - http://www.aug.org/
The Augustinians in Australia - The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine (Augustinians) is a religious order of brothers (many of whom are ordained priests) within the Catholic Church. - http://www.augustinians.org.au/