The Continuing Anglican Church in Zambia - The Mission Diocese in Zambia. Contains news, position papers, founding statements and other diocesan links. -
The Church of Torres Strait - Includes information on parishes, news, history and links to related resources. Torres Strait Islands, Queensland, Australia. -
The Traditional Anglican Church - Traditional Anglican Communion in England, Scotland, and Wales. Includes constitution, directory of member parishes, pastoral letters, suggested prayers, and other news and information. -
Diocese of the Southwest of the Anglican Church in America - The Diocese of the Southwest of the Anglican Church in America is now officially inactive. Several former DSW Parishes have been received into the Diocese of the Missouri Valley. -
Anglican Diocese of the West - Diocese of the Anglican Church in America covering the western states. Includes parish locator, news, and resources. -
The Anglican Church in America - National body in the United States. Includes history, beliefs, news, and a parish locator, includes some individual parish information pages. -
Anglican Catholic Church in Australia - Publishes The Messenger for the Traditional Anglican Communion. Includes contacts and parish directory. -
The Anglican Catholic Church of Canada - Explains the Traditional Anglican Communion (Anglican Catholic). Provides Bishop's message, clergy directory, and links to other congregations and ministries. -