Reform Bahai Faith - The official web presence of the Reform Bahai faith. The 95 theses of the movement, statement on Bahai liberty, contacts and links. -
Unenrolled Baha'i - Yahoo Discussion Group - An online support group for persons who identify with some of the Teachings of Baha'u'llah while not being enrolled with the Baha'i Administration. Members only Yahoo group. -
Juan R. Cole: Baha'i Studies - Baha'i studies information from a Middle East studies scholar and former Baha'i. -
H-Bahai Discussion Network - H-Bahai facilitates scholarly discussion of the culture and history of millenarian and/or esoteric religious traditions originating in modern Iran, such as Shaykhism, Babism and the Baha'i Faith, and makes available diverse bibliographical, research, and -
The Baha'i Faith - New Religious Movements' profile of the Baha'i Faith, links with abstracts, and a print bibliography. -
The Bahá'í World Faith - A view of the Bahá'í Faith and other groups which identify with Baha'i Scripture, by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. -