God is for Suckers - Atheist blog. Also offers links to other related resources. - http://www.gods4suckers.net/
Planet Atheism - An aggregator of atheism-related blogs - http://planetatheism.com/
UberKuh - The Artistic Atheist - UberKuh.com is the personal website of an artistic atheist. Content centers around atheology and the philosophy of religion, but expands to encompass over 25 subjects. - http://uberkuh.com
Life, The Universe & Everything - Does God exist? If God does exist, who created him/her? Do Privilege Insurance's breakdown cover rules prove String Theory? - http://skorohnomis.blogspot.com/
Bligbi - A personal atheistic weblog with links. - http://bligbi.com
The Singapore Atheist - The Singapore Atheist is back! Bigger, meaner and badder than ever, weielding the sword of reason against the demons of ignorance, darkness and superstition. This site features rants on religion, politics and popular culture - http://evilatheist.blogspot.com/
ElvenSarah - Editorial and daily life of a recently turned ex-christian and the life she now leads. Includes rants on her view of pornography, laws, and the people who live in this world. - http://elvensarah.blogdrive.com
The Evangelical Atheist - Posts deal with theology, sociology, the politics of religion, relevant news items and the author's general observations and opinions. - http://evangelicalatheist.com/
Religion is Bullshit - Opinions by Tim Sellers about religion. Contains articles, visitor feedback, and links. - http://www.religionisbullshit.net/blog/index.php
Atheist Eye On The Christian Lie - A few rants about religion in general and Christianity in particular. - http://www.atheisteye.com/
Jesus is Borg - A personal, informative anti-religion website. - http://www.jesusisborg.com
The Passion of the Atheist - Explaining religion, morals, faith, and life, from an atheism perspective. - http://www.passionoftheatheist.com
The Assertive Atheist - A collection of essays asserting atheism and reason and debunking religion. - http://www.flamewarrior.com
The Antichrist Atheist Network - Thoughts on Atheism and anti-christianity from the viewpoint of the author. - http://www.antichrist.net/
Victor J. Stenger - Online text of the book "Has Science Found God" plus essays and links. - http://www.colorado.edu/philosophy/vstenger/
Atheism à la Carte - Essays about what it means to be an atheist in a religious world. - http://www.lacarte.org/freedom/thought/atheism/
The Raving Atheist - Atheistic examination of american law and politics. - http://www.ravingatheist.com/
Is there a God? - Davide Andrea's theory on how we may experience a non-existent God. - http://indra.com/~davide/God/God.html
Freethinker Personal Page - Personal site of an atheist living on the eastern shore of Virginia. Contains quotes, links, and pictures. - http://www.intercom.net/~dayna/
Jim Senyszyn's Religion Is Bunk - Debunks right wing Christian propaganda about family values, displaying Ten Commandments, and homophobia. - http://www.religion-is-bunk.org/
God? - Anti-religion essays by Brad Roberts. - http://www.mooseswamp.com/god/
Dan's Atheism Web Page - Philosophical and atheistic essays, as well as a list of quotes. - http://filebox.vt.edu/users/dwatson/
Martin Rebas - Atheism - A selection of postings from the atheist newsgroups - http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~d3rebas/philosophy/atheism.html
Debate Unlimited - The political, memetic, sociological, philosophical and humorous website of Martin Willett. - http://www.mwillett.org/
Arhtur, Joyce - Atheism and Religion - Essays, bible verses, and book recommendations. Topics include Mensa, abortion, and evolution. - http://mypage.direct.ca/w/writer/writing.html
An Atheist Apology - A statement of personal beliefs, and some responses. - http://home.cshore.com/himes/dennis/aaa.htm
No Santa, No God: My Break from Religion - A personal essay about rejecting dogma and superstition, and about choosing to embrace freethought and reason. - http://www.individualistvoice.com/frames/santagod.html
No Deity - On skepticism and the journey from religion to freedom. - http://nodeity.com/
Miscellaneous Rants on Religion - Essays by Acharya S refuting cherished beliefs and roasting sacred cows. - http://www.truthbeknown.com/miscrants.htm
Further Than Atheism - Exploring territory beyond the rejection of gods. - http://www.irregulartimes.com/further.html
Steven Carr Home Page - Atheism links, views on Christianity and Islam, debates - http://www.bowness.demon.co.uk/
Atheist Music - Artists who have lyrics or opinions of interest to atheists. - http://www.telemark.net/atheistmusic/
Jim Lippard's Home Page - Homepage containing atheism and skepticism information and links. - http://www.discord.org/~lippard/