Evolutionary Metaphysics: Shattering the Sacred Myths - Extends the theory of evolution to include the struggle for political power and the development of advanced technology, and contemplates the existence of the universe and questions whether consciousness has any kind of cosmic purpose. - http://www.evolutionary-metaphysics.net
What Is An Agnostic? - Bertrand Russell on Agnosticism - http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/humftp/E-text/Russell/agnostic.htm
Definitions of Agnosticism - Definitions of agnosticism, weak agnosticism and strong agnosticism. - http://www.iwriteiam.nl/GEm_ag.html
Thomas Henry Huxley - Brief biography of Thomas Henry Huxley, inventor of the term agnosticism - http://www.iep.utm.edu/h/huxley.htm
Creation vs. Evolution - Articles on various creationist theories and arguments, the value of genuine scientific inquiry, and a personal journey from fundamentalist to agnostic by Edward T Babinski. - http://www.edwardtbabinski.us/
Agnosticism Defined - Brief description of Agnosticism from the Victorian Web by Everett & Landow. - http://www.victorianweb.org/religion/agnos.html
Agnosticism 101 - Definition and history of the concept of agnosticism, comparisons with atheism, and examination of its origins. - http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/ath/blag_index.htm
Secular Philosophies - Beliefnet.com - Message boards, links, and information dealing with agnosticism, atheism, and humanism. - http://beliefnet.com/index/index_10043.asp
Church of the Apathetic Agnostic - Extensive site expressing agnosticism as a legitimate religious doctrine. Membership and ordination offered. Many essays regularly updated. - http://www.apatheticagnostic.com
Reasoned Spirituality - An analysis of spirituality, human behaviour, and the quest for the meaning of life. - http://www.reasoned.org/
The Origin of the Word 'Agnosticism' - An article by Bill Young providing the origin of the word Agnostic. - http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/reason/agnosticism/agnostic.html
Evangelical Agnosticism - This article by William Henry Young provides some history about agnosticism since 1869 and suggests reasons for the introduction of the term evangelical agnosticism. - http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/william_young/evangelicalagnosticism.html
Agnosticism (1889) - This is the full text of Thomas Huxley's essay explaining and defending Agnosticism. - http://aleph0.clarku.edu/huxley/CE5/Agn.html
What Is Agnosticism? - A history of the development of agnostic thought written by HJ Blackham. - http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/h_j_blackham/agnostic.html
Weak Agnosticism - Graham Oppy defends "weak agnosticism," the view that "it is permissible for reasonable persons to suspend judgement on the question of God's existence." - http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/graham_oppy/agnostic.html
The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs - A freethought site from Colorado Springs, CO with news, articles, commentary, and a bulletin board. - http://www.freethinkerscs.com
And Man Created God - A book by George Carl Mynchenberg, presents the Agnostic view point using science, history and logic while denying all religious belief and faith in revelations from a Creator or God. Brief author biography, a review, link to e-mail the author, the table - http://www.daytonalawyer.com/georgemynchenberg.htm
Zelazny's Agnostic's Prayer - Agnostic's Prayer from Zelazny's "Creatures of Light & Darkness." - http://www.sonic.net/~roelofs/humor/zelazny_agnostic.html
Exchristian.Net - Extensive site with many articles and testimonies, open discussion forums and links. - http://exchristian.net
Confessions of a Christian Agnostic - Rich Mayfield's online book of days: a reading for each day of the year. - http://www.christianagnostic.com/
The Truth Tree - A cyber-community debating political, religious, and sexual issues from a rational scientific perspective. - http://www.truthtree.com/
The Skeptic's Dictionary - Over 400 skeptical definitions and essays on occult, paranormal, supernatural and pseudoscientific ideas and practices with references to the best skeptical literature. - http://skepdic.com/
The Atheism Web - A shared resource for Atheists, Agnostics and Freethinkers on the Web. - http://www.infidels.org/news/atheism/
To Question is the Answer - Essays by James A Haught, "an old newspaper editor" on agnosticism, books, and other issues. - http://www.wvinter.net/~haught/
Agnosticism and Christianity (1889) - The full text of Huxley's essay comparing the two systems of belief. - http://aleph0.clarku.edu/huxley/CE5/Agn-X.html
Why I Am Agnostic - Robert G. Ingersoll's 1896 explanation. - http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/robert_ingersoll/why_i_am_agnostic.html
The Atheism Web: Huxley on agnosticism - Thomas Huxley describes how he came to originate the term 'agnostic'. - http://www.infidels.org/news/atheism/sn-huxley.html