Polygamy, the Quranic way - Dr. Khalifa's translation of Quran verses related to polygamy. - http://www.submission.org/polygamy.html
Polygamy, Slavery and Qur'anic Sexual Ethics - Showing the historical links between polygamy, slavery and tribal warfare in pre-Islamic Arabia - http://www.liberalislam.net/polygamy.html
P/Polygamy - Answering-Islam.org on polygamy. - http://answering-islam.org/Index/P/polygamy.html
Does Islam Promote Polygamy? - FAQ answer to the question of polygamy in Islam. - http://www.hammoude.com/Faq21.html
Polygamy in the Qur'an - The Qur'an and the laws concerning polygyny and when and when not it is allowed. - http://www.muhammadspeaks.com/Polygamy2.html
Polygamy in the Bible - Showing that the Bible allows polygamy in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Written by a Moslem. - http://www.quransearch.com/ntpoly.htm