The Avalon Project : Judgment : Seyss-Inquart - Text of the International Military Tribunal judgement on the wartime activities of Austrian Nazi leder Seyss-Inquart. -
Aggression Against Austria - International Military Tribunal, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume I, Chapter 9: Aggression Against Austria. -
"Radio Days - Anschluss" - In 1938 Hitler was threatening to invade Czechoslovakia and start World War II. Information on the annexation of Austria and the role of Austria's Nazis. -
Arthur Seyss-Inquart - Article on the leader of Austria's Nazi Party. -
Anschluss - Information on Germany's annexation of Austria. -
Central Europe Review - Austria: Brown Stains - The case of Nazi-era psychiatrist and later prominent Social Democrat Heinrich Gross has shed light on the forgotten past of Austria's SPO party. -
BBC News - Gross symbolises Austria's past - The case of Heinrich Gross, accused of murdering children in a Nazi clinic, illustrates many of Austria's problems with the Nazi era, writes Jan Repa. -
The Fall of Austria - Article about the Anschluss of Austria and persecution of the Jews. -