Młodzi Konserwatyści (MK) - An association of centre-right oriented youth and students in Poland. English page offers a description of activities, local chapters, and history of the organization, its involvement in national and international politics, and ideological principles. - http://www.mk.org.pl/english.html
European Democrat Students (EDS) - A federation of Christian-Democrat, Conservative and Liberal student organizations from across Europe, allied with but independent of the EPP and EDU. History, policy papers, structure, map of countries represented by members, and activity and event infor - http://www.edsnet.org/
Eagle Forum Collegians - Aims to educate and motivate college students who support traditional values; a division of the Eagle Forum ELDF. Purpose, leadership, chapters, internships, and articles on current issues available. - http://www.efcollegians.org/
Stowarzyszenie Młodzi Demokraci (SMD) - The Young Democrats Association, an organization of politically center-right youth in Poland. Basic aims and principles, leader profiles, and history provided. - http://smd.org.pl/index.php?lang=en
Civic Democratic Youth (ODM) - Organization of politically center-right youth in Slovakia. Goals, history, activities, and leaders are profiled. Also provides quotes from national figures and links to partner organizations. - http://www.odm.sk/
Conservative Debate Handbook--Introduction - Introduction and links to articles designed to help the student conservative defend traditional views and values on a wide variety of political, social and economic subjects. - http://pages.prodigy.net/krtq73aa/debate.htm
Bucknell University Conservatives Club - Photos from activities, professor ratings, links, and archived issues of their magazine, Counterweight. - http://www.bucknellconservatives.org/
Young Conservatives of Texas - Student activist organization with chapters on several university campuses in Texas. Principles, current news, ratings and endorsements, history, and people described. - http://www.yct.org/
The Tory Party - A philosophical debating society at Yale University and a traditionalist member of the Yale Political Union. Information about events and alumni network provided, as well as essays and a listing of past debate topics. - http://www.yale.edu/tory/
The Conservative Party - A philosophical debating society at Yale University. Sponsors the Sir Thomas More Lectures and Allan Bloom Forum. - http://www.yale.edu/cp/
National Association of Scholars (NAS) - An organization of scholars committed to rational discourse as the foundation of academic life and devoted to improving and maintaining free speech in academic settings. - http://www.nas.org/
Accuracy In Academia - Watchdog group for political correctness on university campuses. - http://www.academia.org/
Center for the American Idea - A program of the Free Enterprise Institute which teaches the principles of private property, free markets, limited government, and an enduring moral order to teachers and students. - http://www.americanidea.org/
The Fund for American Studies - Sponsors intensive summer institutes that engage college students in a rigorous examination of economic concepts, political systems, and moral philosophy. - http://www.tfas.org/
Young America's Foundation - Committed to ensuring young Americans understand and are inspired by individual freedom, strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values through publications, conferences, and programs. - http://www.yaf.org/
Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) - A non-profit, non-partisan, tax-exempt educational organization whose purpose is to convey to successive generations of college youth a better understanding of the values and institutions that sustain a free society. - http://www.isi.org/