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Military News and Information Open in a new windowLink Details
- This site provides insights in the successes of our troops. It also provides various military links and informtion. Learn about the heroes of our time. Learn about the American wars and how we won them. Get the real scoop on Iraq.
- http://www.patriotman.com

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On The wRite Side Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative blog offering the inside scoop on politics, news and issues in the Carolinas and America.
- http://www.onthewriteside.org

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Site 51 Open in a new windowLink Details
- A site dedicated to revealing the history behind symbols and the current news.
- http://site-51.com

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Planet of the Moonbats Open in a new windowLink Details
- Skewed to right, this blog is intended for fun commentary on politics, news, and whatever is floating around.
- http://planetmoonbats.blogspot.com/

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For My Kountry Open in a new windowLink Details
- blog about consumer issues from a political viewpoint.
- http://formykountry.com

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Fred08.US Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative commentary dedicated to the topics shaping the 2008 elections.
- http://www.Fred08.us

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Liberty Pundit Open in a new windowLink Details
- Libery Pundit is a conservative blog that centers around politics, news, and current events with a distinctly right-of-center slant.
- http://www.libertypundit.com

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Nuke's News and Views Open in a new windowLink Details
- This blog covers current events, the news of the day, and opinion from a conservative perspective.
- http://nukegingrich.wordpress.com

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Brussels Journal Open in a new windowLink Details
- Blog focusing on European and world affairs with a specialty in Belgian matters.
- http://www.brusselsjournal.com/

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THE CONSERVATIVE POST Open in a new windowLink Details
- You've read the news... now get the conservative side of the story. Cutting edge, irreverant, conservative blog.
- http://www.theconservativepost.com

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Forgot To Ask Open in a new windowLink Details
- An ultraconservative take on the issues of the day.
- http://www.forgottoask.com

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Topicify Open in a new windowLink Details
- A pro-Ron Paul site with frequent online polls.
- http://www.topicify.com

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DeMediacratic Nation Open in a new windowLink Details
- A conservative blog focusing on media issues.
- http://demediacraticnation.blogspot.com/

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Conservative Wordsmith Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Conservative Wordsmith features frequent conservative posts on current events, American culture, news, politics, and religion. Wordsmith, poet, and balladist Susan Baldwin is the author of The Conservative Wordsmith.
- http://susanbaldwin.townhall.com

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MJBH's Web Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Commentary on current affairs in politics and religion from a conservative viewpoint.
- http://drmjbh.blogspot.com

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MegTheRepublican Open in a new windowLink Details
- The opinions, ideas, and rants of a conservative.
- http://www.megtherepublican.com

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The Mordant Traditionalist Open in a new windowLink Details
- This blog is used to express opinions and thoughts on national and local politics from a conservative perspective.
- http://mordanttraditionalist.typepad.com

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Dumb Ox Daily News Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative news and commentary, with a historical and philosophical perspective on current events.
- http://thomistic.blogspot.com

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Part-Time Pundit Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative political, social and religious commentary from freelance writer and columnist John Bambenek.
- http://www.parttimepundit.com

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BrothersJudd Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Commentary on current events with a conservative slant by the Brothers Judd.
- http://brothersjuddblog.com/

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rightous indignation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Australian and global news stories with conservative analysis.
- http://aussie-by-rights.blogspot.com

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The State of Conservatism Open in a new windowLink Details
- An Arizona college student's commentary and thoughts on conservative ideology and relevant news.
- http://thoughtsoftatem.blogspot.com/

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Josue's Townhall Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- The personal blog of Josue Sierra, Associate Editor and Online Community Manager at Townhall.com, covering conservative politics and all things Townhall.com.
- http://josue.townhall.com

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Right Wing Champ Open in a new windowLink Details
- A conservative blog primarily focusing on the politics of conflict in the Middle East.
- http://www.rightwingchamp.com

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Snapped Shot Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog that covers photojournalism from a political perspective.
- http://www.snappedshot.com/

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Infidels Are Cool Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog mostly dedicated to coverage of Middle Eastern politics through American eyes.
- http://infidelsarecool.com

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Neocon Express Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog self-described as neoconservative, with stories and analysis about current events.
- http://www.neoconexpress.blogspot.com

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Conservative Times Open in a new windowLink Details
- A multiuser discussion forum on conservatism, political philosophy, letters, culture, and history.
- http://www.conservativetimes.org/

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Sweetness and Light Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog featuring U.S. and international news and analysis from a conservative perspective.
- http://sweetness-light.com/

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The Elephant Man Open in a new windowLink Details
- A weblog for conservative and Republican ideals.
- http://www.the-right-stuff.blogspot.com/

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Sounding the Trumpet Open in a new windowLink Details
- Articulating a Christian conservative worldview from Cornell University.
- http://soundingthetrumpetblog.com

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Power Line Open in a new windowLink Details
- Blog written by John H. Hinderaker and Scott W. Johnson covering income taxes, campaign finance and welfare reform, affirmative action, race in the criminal justice system and conservative politics.
- http://www.powerlineblog.com/

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Tom Rants Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative-libertarian blog with a focus on original commentary. Pro-defense, pro-free market perspective.
- http://www.tom-hanna.org/

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What Can Brown Do For You? Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative columnist John Brown's take on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
- http://johnnorrisbrown.com/blog/

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Dullard Mush Open in a new windowLink Details
- News and commentary on politics in Nevada and elsewhere.
- http://dullardmush.blogspot.com/

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The Caucus Cooler Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog dedicated to the Iowa Caucus.
- http://www.caucuscooler.blogspot.com

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Radio Barons Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative editorial blog, mainly my views on the world and events of the world.
- http://radiobarons.com

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Educate The People Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, current events and politics.
- http://www.educatethepeople.org

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South Dakota War College Open in a new windowLink Details
- Coverage of all things in South Dakota politics.
- http://dakotawarcollege.blogspot.com

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123beta Open in a new windowLink Details
- Fighting Liberalism One Post At A Time
- http://123beta.blogspot.com

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Hegemonic Pundit - hegemonic discourse and global meme dominance Open in a new windowLink Details
- Political commentary and humor from the blog of Eric Simonson.
- http://www.hegemonic.org

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The Daily Blogster Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features political, religious and military opinion, news and links.
- http://thedailyblogster.blogspot.com/

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Conservative Girl : conservative commentary, news and opinion Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative Girl offers conservative commentary, news and opinion. I rant, I rave, I am conservative and darn proud!
- http://www.conservativegirl.com

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Compass Points Conservative Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- A conservative blog written by author Brad Miner.
- http://www.compasspointsblog.com

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Liberty Bell Open in a new windowLink Details
- Opinions on politics and life by a conservative teen.
- http://libertybell.blogsome.com/

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The National Institute for Truth and Freedom Open in a new windowLink Details
- A right of center blog that focuses on national and international politics.
- http://nationalinstitutetruth.blogspot.com/

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Political Nut Open in a new windowLink Details
- Reports on political headlines and analysis of political races and campaigns
- http://www.politicalnut.com

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Maggie Church Political Humor Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog decrying the current state of American political discourse from a right-wing perspective.
- http://maggiechurch.blogspot.com/

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The Blog Tribune Open in a new windowLink Details
- Independent news and opinion provided by citizen journalists
- http://www.theblogtribune.com

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Greystone Street Open in a new windowLink Details
- A personal blog dedicated to conservative ideas, humor, and a Christian worldview.
- http://greystonestreet.blogspot.com

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SpongeBlog Open in a new windowLink Details
- SpongeBlog. Absorb it. This site covers everything from politics to movies, and sometimes gets into the politics of movies! Rave reviews from top writers!
- http://spongeblog.blog-city.com

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Not A Leftie Open in a new windowLink Details
- Political analysis and commentary from a right-wing point of view, interspersed with humor.
- http://notaleftie.blogspot.com/

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MooreThoughts Open in a new windowLink Details
- MooreThoughts is a husband and wife team blog based in Nashville, Tennessee focusing on politics and news from a national to local scope.
- http://www.moorethoughts.com/index.php

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LannyCardow.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- American and Canadian Political news and commentary from a conservative perspective.
- http://www.lannycardow.com

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Blog Chow - Food For Thought! Open in a new windowLink Details
- Thoughts and perspectives on what's going on in the world. With a focus on the unique and events not getting the coverage they should.
- http://www.blogchow.com

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Dummocrats Open in a new windowLink Details
- Opinions on politics, the war on terror, immigration, media bias, sports and entertainment.
- http://www.dummocrats.com

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Far Right Wing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Myron Brown's blog on U.S. politics, with links to other conservative blogs and news sites.
- http://farrightwing.blogspot.com/

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The Unalienable Right Open in a new windowLink Details
- Daily commentary from the editors of American Federalist Journal
- http://www.federalistjournal.com/fedblog/

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The Write House Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing a blog on politics. We reprint and publish online blogs and news from around the world.
- http://writehouse.us

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Citizen Journal Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative group weblog, webzine and discussion forums dedicated to open debate about the future of American conservatism.
- http://www.citizen-journal.net

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No DNC - STOP Democrat Corruption Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, resources, commentary and up to date information exposing alleged political corruption in the Democratic Party.
- http://www.nodnc.com

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MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative commentary on the news and current events, brandishing a smirk and a stiletto heel.
- http://bamapachyderm.com/

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Reasonably Right Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contributors Jerome C. Austriaco, Josh Stokka, and Trevor Hughes look at the law, economics, and other salient issues of the day.
- http://www.reasonablyright.blogspot.com/

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The O'Connor Factor Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog written by a Navy man with self-described South Park Republican views.
- http://cruelkev0.blogspot.com/

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PolitaKid Open in a new windowLink Details
- A conservative blog containing a student's views on education, politics and the media.
- http://www.politakid.blogspot.com

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Conservative Dialysis Open in a new windowLink Details
- Removing liberal waste from the American bloodstream.
- http://conservativedialysis.com

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area417 Open in a new windowLink Details
- A variety of news links with some commentary about Missouri, current events, politics, immigration, Celiac Sprue and whatever else catches my fancy.
- http://www.area417.com

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Conservative Eyes Open in a new windowLink Details
- Daily political commentary from the eyes of an 18 year-old neoconservative.
- http://conservativeeyes.blogspot.com

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ProsandCons.us Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative blog site dedicated to discussion of news, current events, and social issues.
- http://www.prosandcons.us

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Caveat Suffragator Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative commentary on Rhode Island and Ohio, the United States, and Canada.
- http://proudtoberepublican.blogspot.com

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Right Democrat Open in a new windowLink Details
- Blog for conservative Democrats.
- http://www.rightdemocrat.blogspot.com

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Civil Issues Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative opinions, editorials and columns on many issues.
- http://www.civilissues.com/

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Farrer Commons Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog about national politics, PATRIOT Act, technology, and science all rolled into one
- http://farrercommons.blogspot.com

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Minds Out of Jail Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative Blog
- http://www.mindsoutofjail.com

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Two Babes and a Brain Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog run by two women and Colonel David Hunt. We offer insight on political issues as well as humorous looks at everything else. For Tough Talk on the War on Terror or a good laugh please visit us.
- http://www.twobabesandabrain.com

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Americans for Freedom Open in a new windowLink Details
- Updates and analysis on the march of freedom and democracy, specifically focusing on the Middle East
- http://www.americansforfreedom.blogspot.com/

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RightIsRight Open in a new windowLink Details
- This is a weblog designed to discuss news and current events with a clear conservative, viewpoint.
- http://rightizright.blogspot.com

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Tennessee Rants Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative thoughts on politics, culture, history, religion, war & the media. This is a Hugh Hewitt inspired blog.
- http://tennessee-rants.blogspot.com/

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Progressive Conservatism Open in a new windowLink Details
- A daily for news analysis, op-ed columns, headline news and reviews.
- http://www.progressiveconservatism.blogspot.com/

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The Conservative Revolution Open in a new windowLink Details
- Contains insights and opinions of a conservative law student.
- http://bstein80.blogspot.com/

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Darren Weeks dot Net | My perspective on life and liberty Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, analysis, and commentary on issues pertaining to your individual liberty.
- http://www.darrenweeks.net/

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Undercaffeinated Open in a new windowLink Details
- Daily critiques of the political and scientific consensus
- http://www.undercaffeinated.net

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my two cents worth Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tony Spain gives a conservative look at the issues of the day. From Iraq to Social Security Tony Spain is on top of it.
- http://tonystwocentsworth.81x.com

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The Crumpy Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- A young conservative from the Washington, DC area who hits back at the left and gives his opinion on nearly everything.
- http://www.crumpy.com

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dcspectator Open in a new windowLink Details
- Perspectives on politics, journalism, pop culture and live music from Georgetown -- deep inside the Beltway
- http://www.dcspectator.com

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No Girlie Men "The Weblog for Real Politicians and the Politically Minded." Open in a new windowLink Details
- "The Weblog for Real Politicians and the Politically Minded."
- http://www.nogirliemen.com

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Red Right Open in a new windowLink Details
- Conservative news and commentary regarding local issues with in depth analysis.
- http://redright.blogspot.com

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Slowplay.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Slow play, all day. News analysis.
- http://www.slowplay.com

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Standing Up for Nothing Open in a new windowLink Details
- The truths I believe in and stand for are founded in a God bigger than this world. His truth remains unmatched, undefeated and ever eternal.
- http://standingupfornothing.blogspot.com/

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