Fair Vote Canada - The primary purpose of Fair Vote Canada is to gain broad support for a national process to enable Canadian voters to choose which voting system shall be used to elect their representatives. - http://www.fairvotecanada.org
Washington State Citizens for Proportional Representation - Represents Washington State voters dedicated to fair representation in local, state, and federal elections, by increasing voter awareness of alternative methods of elections. - http://www.fairvote.net/washington/
Under the Cloak of Patriotism - History of Proportional Representation in New York City Council Elections in the 1930s-1940s. Describes how World War II and the early Cold War influenced local politics and the fate of "PR." - http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/history/public_history/PR/
Proportional Representation Library - A source of information on proportional representation elections -- including beginning readings, in-depth articles by scholars and activists, an extensive bibliography, and a guide to relatedWeb sites. - http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/polit/damy/prlib.htm