Universiteit van Tilburg: On Partial and Paraconsistent Logics - Paper by Reinhard Muskens on logical systems in which the principle of bivalence and the principle of non-contradiction fail. - http://let.uvt.nl/general/people/rmuskens/pubs/parpar.pdf
Paraconsistent Logic - The development of paraconsistent logic was initiated in order to challenge the logical principle that anything follows from contradictory premises, ex contradictione quodlibet. By Koji Tanaka, from the Stanford Encyclopedia. - http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-paraconsistent/
Dialetheism - A dialetheia is a true contradiction, a statement, A, such that both it and its negation, A, are true. Hence, dialeth(e)ism is the view that there are true contradictions. Dialetheism opposes the so-called Law of Non-Contradiction. By Graham Priest, from - http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dialetheism/