Wittgenstein: Connections and Controversies - Meredith Williams reviews this book by P.M.S Hacker. from Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. - http://ndpr.nd.edu/review.cfm?id=1077
Wittgenstein: Biography and Philosoph - Juliet Floyd revieww this book edited by James C. Klagge.From Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. - http://ndpr.nd.edu/review.cfm?id=1137
Analysis of Language - Overview of Wittgenstein's contribution to the philosophy of language by Garth Kemerling, as part of his History of Philosophy project. - http://www.philosophypages.com/hy/6s.htm
A Wittgensteinian Approach to Discourse Analysis - This essay seeks to take Wittgenstein's influence on discourse analysis a step further by using his writings as the theoretical foundation for an approach to analyzing discourse. - http://www.criticism.com/da/lw_da.html
Wittgenstein Contra Freud: The Myth of Psychoanalysis - Essay by Steven Hoenisch arguing that a consequence of Wittgenstein's claim that Freudian is that Freudian therapy cannot resolve psychological problems, but rather its effect is to clarify these problems or present them in a different light. Draws on Ba - http://www.criticism.com/md/tech.html
Wittgenstein and the Wasteland - Essay by Mark Erwin connecting T. S. Eliot's poem to Wittgenstein's view of the transcendental nature of the ethical. - http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy_and_literature/v021/21.2erwin.html
Wittgenstein and Linguistic Analysis - Lecture Notes by Stephen Palmquist, Hong Kong Baptist University. - http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ppp/top/top13
The Fundamental Question - Article by Arthur Witherall, looking at Wittgenstein's views on Heidegger's Fundamental Question: Why is there something rather than nothing? - http://www.hedweb.com/witherall/existence.htm