Gorgias - Brief article on his life and thought, from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - http://www.iep.utm.edu/g/gorgias.htm
The Encomium of Helen - Full translation of this work ascribed to Gorgias, by Brian R. Donovan. - http://cal.bemidjistate.edu/english/donovan/helen.html
Rhetoricians: Gorgias of Leontini - Notes on the rhetorical figures ascribed to Gorgias. - http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/Figures/Groupings/Gorgianic%20Figures.htm
Gorgias of Leontini - Minutes from a philosophy class discussion of this classical thinker. - http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~dhutchin/o10a.htm
Gorgias of Leontini Nexus Page - Profile, bibliography, map and text of Sextus Empiricus' paraphrase of Gorgias' "On the Nonexistent." - http://www.wfu.edu/~zulick/300/gorgias/gorgiasfiles.html