Foucault's Critical Project - Gary Gutting reviews this book by Beatrice Han. From Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. -
Foucault at LSU - Lectures and outlines for a Foucault course (by John Protevi, LSU French Studies) -
New York Times Featured Author - Several articles and reviews from the archives of the New York Times -
Reversing the Panopticon - This article written by two architects show how Foucault's works can be of use in parallel fields. -
Michel Foucault - Include notes towards 'Technologies of the Self' and good resources for a reading group. By Jeremy Crampton, Department of Anthropology & Geography Georgia State University Atlanta. -
The Birth of the Clinic, designed by Casey Alt - A site concerned with an in-depth and graphical exploration of Foucault's 1963 text. -
Foucault Tribunal on the State of Psychiatry - Using Foucault's 'Madness & Civilisation' as a foundation, a 'seminar' on the nature of psychiatry with a powerful verdict and an impressive list of supporters. -